Have you ever taken the time to think about FAITH? Me too!
Last month was one of the most difficult to me. Why? Because I decided "to live in Faith", and some of my decisions did not reflect what living in faith really means. To be honest, I still do not know what this means. I am still learning. I am making decisions, I am failing, I am trusting... and the list might continue.

I want to share my story with you. Some time ago, I made a decision, I accepted the job of my dreams. The one that I was waiting for, the one that I was dreaming with. I thought this was the fulfillment of my calling. I filled my heart with excitement, and gratitude because I thought this was "an answer from God". Everything happened so fast that I did not make a stop and asked my Father what His will was. Yes, I know what you are thinking... Big mistake... Big Mistake...
All my friends gave me advice on this perfect job, and my calling and that this was my opportunity to walk on the ocean like Peter and show the world that I was doing what Jesus wanted me to do.
Excitement ... again... I believed their words... Did I run to the Father?... nop.. not yet...
Go, sister, this is from God... there is no doubt. Did I run to the Father?... not yet...
What happened? God never answered the question I never asked Him: Is this Your will? Do you want me to go? Is this your calling for me?
Friends, I learned the lesson.
Faith is believing the impossible.
Accepting this job was something easy, something that I did by my own decision. But it was not what God wanted me to do.
How can I say that I am walking in faith if the source and perfecter of our faith did not know about my decision?

My advice for you who are reading my story today, ASK JESUS BEFORE TO MAKE ANY DECISION.


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